Aiming to give you more control, Facebook has added administrator privileges for group chats in Messenger. Admin privileges allow you to approve new members before they join your group chat. This is especially helpful in large group chats with people you may not yet be connected to, like when you’re planning a friend’s surprise birthday party with different groups of friends.

Admins also have the ability to remove members if needed, and promote or demote any other person in the group chat as an admin. The admin privileges in Messenger work in the background; and if your group chat doesn’t need that level of control, it won’t get in the way of your group messaging.

“Users will have the option to decide if you’d like admin approval for approving new members, but this preference is off by default in your group chat settings. Admin privileges in Workplace Chat are also rolling out today,” said Drew Moxon, Messenger Product Manager.

The company is also making it easier to add new people to group chats with joinable links. Anyone in a group chat can create a custom invite link and share it with someone they’d like to join the conversation. People who tap the link will either be added to the group automatically if approvals are off, or will be added once the admin has approved the request.

In 2017, over 2.5 million new groups were created on Messenger every day. Several new features including @mentions, reactions, group payments were added to Messenger last year.