Google Assistant, virtual personal buddy is coming to a number of new speakers, including the Zolo Mojo by Anker; LINK 10, LINK 20 and LINK 300 by JBL; TicHome Mini by Mobvoi, Smart Speaker G3 by Onyko; GA10 by Panasonic and the LF-S50G by Sony, the tech giant announced at IFA show in Berlin.

The virtual assistant is already on Google Home, eligible Android phones, iPhones, Google Allo and Android Wear.

With the Assistant on speakers, you can ask questions (“Ok Google, how far away is the moon?”), keep up with your schedule (“Ok Google, tell me about my day”), control your smart home (“Ok Google, dim the living room lights”) and more.

You can also expect your same Google Assistant to be, well, just about the same across speakers -- so you can cast music and set multiple accounts to work on one speaker. And since it’s the Google Assistant, you can expect great speech recognition, natural language processing and the ability to ask those “tough” contextual questions (“Where is the Eiffel Tower?” Followed by, “How tall is it?”)

Starting later this year, with manufacturers like LG, you’ll be able control your appliances, including washers, dryers, vacuums and more from your Assistant on your smart speaker, Android phone or iPhone (any device with the Google Assistant built in!), Google said.

Need to clean up? It’s as easy as “Ok Google, start vacuuming.” Want to know if your favourite jeans are clean? “Ok Google, are my clothes clean?” or “is the laundry done?” Getting help around the house will be easier than ever.

The Assistant already supports more than 70 home automation manufacturers, including Honeywell, Netatmo, TP-Link and Wemo, so you can get help with everyday things using your voice. Whether you need to dim the lights to 20 per cent, set the sprinkler, or turn on your slow cooker, you can just start with “Ok Google....”