Aiming to keep Indian users safe while they are commuting in a taxi or driving by themselves, Google today roll-out a new feature called ‘Stay Safer.’ The India first feature would alert Android users travelling in public vehicles if their drivers deviate more than 0.5 km from the suggested route on Google Maps.
Upon passing the limit of deviation, users' smartphone would start buzzing notifying them of the changed route, which they would be able to tap on and see where they are compared to the original route.
The ‘Stay Safer’ feature would also let users share their live trip with friends and family directly from that screen so they can know and can keep track of the journey. The off-route feature was in testing phase in India in June.
Recently, Google has updates Maps with plenty of new features including a speedometer and support for showing radar locations.
The speedometer function comes as a part of latest update and you have updated the app to its latest version, you can view the speedometer in the lower left corner of the navigation screen. The app issues a warning if you are exceeding the speed limit. Presently, only users in the US, Belgium, Britain and Brazil can use the speedometer feature in their Google Maps. Google says, the feature will be rolled out globally later this year.