The Google homepage for mobile devices has now been updated with the new version of the Discover feed that makes exploring your interests easier than ever.

In addition to a new look, you’ll also see new types of content in Discover. You’ll find more videos and fresh visual content, as well as evergreen content—articles and videos that aren’t new to the web, but are new to you. Users can tap “Follow” to start seeing more about that topic in your experience.

For example, when you’re planning your next trip, Discover might show an article with the best places to eat or sights to see. Suddenly, a travel article published three months ago is timely for you. This can also be useful as you’re taking up a new hobby or going deeper on a long-time interest.

Using the Topic Layer in the Knowledge Graph, Discover can predict your level of expertise on a topic and help you further develop those interests. If you’re learning to play guitar, for example, you might see beginner content about learning chords. If you’re already a skilled musician, you may see a video on more advanced techniques.

Discover soon will be rolled out to more markets and will work in multiple languages. You may like to use recipes in Spanish and read sports in English, and you will see content in your language of preference for each interest.

“We’re starting with support for English and Spanish in the US and will expand to more languages and countries soon,” Google said in a blog post.

The Google homepage has always been a place to ask questions and search for information you’re interested in. Now, it will be even easier to keep up with your interests with the new Discover tab.