Haier has introduced its new M95E QD-Mini LED smart TV series in India, with prices starting at Rs 1.35 lakh. The range features an elegant annular runway stand, a sleek profile, and a bezel-free design. It is equipped with Quantum Dot (QD) technology and Harman Kardon speakers. The newly introduced M95E QD-Mini LED 4K smart TV series comes in 65-inch and 75-inch display sizes, both offered with a two-year warranty. Interested customers can purchase these models from all leading retail outlets in the market. Read on more to know other specifications of the M95E QD-Mini LED 4K TV series.
The range has a QD-Mini LED display, which features a 4K (2,160x3,840 pixel) resolution, 144Hz refresh rate, and compatibility with HDR10+ and Dolby Vision IQ. It also has a peak brightness of 2000 nits and a colour gamut of DCI-P3. Notably, TÜV Rheinland has approved the QD-Mini LED television for Low Blue Light Emission.
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The QD-Mini LED 4K series sports a Harman Kardon tuned speaker system, featuring 2.1-channel subwoofers and 60W audio output. Dolby Atmos and DBX-TV are both compatible with the speakers. The smart TV range from Haier operates on the Google TV operating system with access to an array of apps and games through the Google Play Store. It comes with the HaiSmart app, which allows for smart home integration and control of linked devices, as well as, Haier's HaiSmart interface, which offers voice control and tailored suggestions.
The smart TV series provides a smooth gaming experience to users with HDMI 2.1 and Wi-Fi 6 support. It includes extra functions ALLM, VRR, Shadow Enhancement, and Game Picture Mode Optimization for offering enhanced gaming quality.
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Commenting on the launch, Mr. NS Satish, President, of Haier Appliances India said, 'Designed for premium consumers seeking an impressive home entertainment experience, our new QD-Mini LEDs deliver unparalleled viewing and audio quality, perfect for gamers and those looking for a home theater-like experience at home. At Haier India, we prioritize understanding our customers' needs first and then crafting products that enhance their lives with smarter appliances. We're extremely excited about the new QD-Mini LED 4K series and confident it will set new benchmarks in the TV industry.'