iQOO is set to launch its upcoming Z9s series on August 21 in India. Designed primarily for 'college students and young professionals', the iQOO Z9s smartphones – the Z9s and the Z9s Pro – will go on sale through Amazon. While the launch will happen in due course, we already know that the Z9s series will be priced under Rs 25,000 in India. As for the processor, the standard Z9s will get a MediaTek Dimensity 7300 SoC with an AnTuTu score of over 7 lakh points, while the Pro will run on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC, which is said to have an AnTuTu score of 8 lakh points. Both smartphones will have a 7.49mm slim body and be manufactured at Vivo's facility in Greater Noida.
The iQOO Z9s Series will feature a 50-megapixel Sony IMX882 primary sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS), 4K video recording capabilities, and Super Night mode. The Z9s Pro will additionally get an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle sensor for capturing broader scenes. AI features such as AI Erase and AI Photo Enhance will also be offered with both phones.
The iQOO Z9s series will share a 3D curved AMOLED display, albeit with a remarkable difference in peak brightness. The standard Z9s will come with a peak brightness of 1,800 nits, while the Pro will boast a higher 4,500 nits local peak brightness for enhanced visibility.
Also Read: iQOO Z9x 5G Budget Smartphone Launched Under Rs 13,000 in India: Check Specs, Features and More
The battery will be a 5,500mAh unit for the Z9s Pro. So, expect a full day's use on a single charge. The battery details of the standard model are yet to be revealed. The smartphones will come in Flamboyant Orange and Luxe Marble colour options.