Tech giant Microsoft has revealing few details about its next-generation Xbox hardware. Codenamed ‘Project Scarlett’ the Xbox console will support 8K graphics and framerates of up to 120fps. The company is said to launch two new Xbox consoles in 2020.

The company is planning to add a custom designed CPU based on AMD’s Zen 2 and Radeon RDNA architecture in the new Xbox console which will increase its performance by up to four times than the Xbox One X. The new Xbox console will also have a fast GDDR6 RAM to offer fast framerats and high resolution images, the company said.

The new Project Scarlett console will support ray-tracing, and will also include variable refresh rate support. ‘We’re using the SSD as virtual RAM which will boost the performance by up to 40x than the Xbox One X,’ an Xbox spokesperson was quoted as saying in the teaser video.

The company could also launch ‘Halo’ videogame alongside the new console. Additionally, Microsoft has announced 14 game titles from Xbox Game Studios, including shooter video game ‘Gears 5.’

Microsoft Xbox rival Sony is also working on a new PS5 will support up to 8K graphics, 3D audio, SSD storage, and backwards compatibility with existing PlayStation 4 titles. The PS5 is expected to come with an eight-core CPU based on AMD’s third-gen Ryzen line, and will support ray-tracing graphics as well. Sony has also teased the new PS5 with the 4K graphics at a 120Hz refresh rate support.

According to industry experts, Microsoft is well-positioned to capitalise on cloud gaming, thanks to its strength in infrastructure, and the content it owns.