In the past few weeks, Samsung India has not only announced measures to support local administration and community in Noida, by equipping hospitals with medical equipment required in the preventive drive against the pandemic, but has also engaged with various local authorities, and healthcare professionals to prepare a broad and meaningful strategy in the fight against COVID-19.

Continuing its support to fight against COVID-19, Samsung India today pledged a contribution of Rs 20 crore to the Union and State governments in India. Samsung would be donating Rs 15 crore to the PM CARES Fund, and Rs 5 crore to the states of Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Additionally, Samsung employees across India are also putting together their personal contribution. Samsung says, it will match the employee contribution and donate the total amount to the PM CARES Fund in the coming weeks.

So far, Samsung has provided thousands of Preventive Masks and Personal Preventive Equipment (PPE) kits to hospitals. Each PPE kit includes surgeon gown, face mask, gloves, preventive eye wear, hood cap and shoe cover.

‘We are also supporting the authorities at hospitals and at other facilities by providing a large number of infrared thermometers and public address systems. Along with these, air purifiers that are vital to improve the ambient air quality in medical facilities, are also being provided,’ Samsung said in a blog post.

Samsung has also delivered Digital X-ray and Digital Ultrasound machines to government hospitals as part of its Samsung Smart Healthcare citizenship programme. And as part of this programme, Samsung is also providing training to technicians on how to use these machines.

In Noida, Samsung is also supporting the local administration and local police in providing food packets to local communities on a daily basis.

Earlier this month, Samsung has also updated its Samsung Pay platform to allow individuals contribute directly to the PM CARES Fund.