Is the Sony WI-SP500 the motivation that I’ve been waiting for to actually hit the gym?

One of the hardest things for me, I believe, is to find the motivation to actually get out of bed in the morning, put on a pair of trainers and go for a run or hit the gym. I’m always ready with a long list of excuses, which makes things even worse, especially for procrastinators like me. I think, what I really need is strong motivation, a purpose or a goal, to work out and get fit.

It seems that I’ve found at least one of the three key elements required for fitness regime to begin. Sony’s new in-ear wireless Bluetooth SPORTS earphones might be able to help me out of this pickle . . . guacamole . . . chicken . . . cheese wrapped in a tortilla . . . Sorry we got a little off topic there.

The Purpose

Anyway, back to the earphones. I’ve never been a fan of wireless earpods or earphones for two simple reasons – first, Bluetooth sound isn’t always the best, and second, my magical ability to lose small-sized devices within moments of owning them. Thankfully, I haven’t lost the test device. While using this pair of earphones for a month, I did observe some really cool things about it. Unlike usual wrap-around-the-ear and other quirky type earphones, the WI-SP500 doesn’t fall out easily. Though I didn’t go for a run, but I did use a jump rope in my room to ascertain this fact. Additionally, on more than one occasions, I have woken up with the earpods still attached to my ear after having fallen asleep while binge watching on Netflix. And surprisingly I never felt uncomfortable or any fatigue in my ears. My guess is that the silicon coat on the pods are ribbed just for that kind of comfort. At first, I must admit, getting it to sit in my ear was a bit finicky, but eventually I mastered the technique. The battery life is also impeccable. It never seems to run out of charge. However, when it did, it simply died without any warning, making my phone blare out music while I was at the airport, resulting in an awkward public situation.

The Sound

In terms of quality, like all Sony products, it seems to be built very well. It only has one power on/off button and a volume rocker on the right earpiece. The top flips open to allow the USB cable to charge the device, which takes about two hours as advertised. With said and done, a speaker is only as good as the sound it delivers. In my experience, these earpods deliver a very well-balanced sound. You get a perfect amount of bass and treble, while the mids cut through beautifully. I do feel that it could use some more volume, especially as it doesn’t have noise cancelation.

Shall I hit the gym?

I am still not convinced that the gym is the right place for me, and I may possibly never find the motivation that I am looking for. But what I am convinced about and what I do know is that while using the Sony WI-SP500, I was able to really enjoy music and simultaneously avoid cheesy encounters with my colleagues.  

• Easy and reliable Bluetooth pairing
• Well balanced EQ
• No noise cancelation
• No carrying case included
Editor's Rating
Overall Rating
  • Design 8
  • Audio Quality 8
  • Battery Life 8