Micro-blogging website Twitter, in a new update for iOS, has rolled out a new feature, which will allow iOS users to pin five lists in their timeline. If you use more than one account, you can now quickly swipe between different accounts directly from your home screen.

With the new pin list feature, Twitter users can now group co-workers and friends in addition to the family members into different lists, and then with a swipe, they can just view tweets from each individual list.


For instance, if you like staying updated with the latest tweets about your favourite TV show while it's airing and also want to keep a tab on Twitter for professional purposes or for the latest news, it would be frustrating to have your main feed continuously interrupted with the recap updates from that show. But with the new pin list feature, you'll be able to separate those tweets completely.

While Twitter users have been regularly using Lists as alternative timelines, which allows them to follow accounts without having to add them to the main Twitter timeline. But the new pin feature will now make it easier to do so.

The feature was first tested amongst select users back in July. Overall, the pin list feature is a much-awaited update for Twitter, and it'll be interesting to see how users react to this feature.

Twitter has also made changes in the way it shows list pages by introducing header images. You can now easily see list of members and those who have subscribed to the given list.