Aiming to further boost its sales in India, Apple has slashed the prices of all three iPhone XR models. The iPhone XR 64GB is now available for Rs 59,900, instead of Rs 76,900, after a price reduction of Rs 17,000. The 128GB variant now costs Rs 64,900, instead of Rs 81,900, and the 256GB variant is available for Rs 74,900 – earlier it was Rs 91,900 – after a similar price reduction of Rs 17,000.
This is the first time that Apple has reduced the prices of its iPhones. Earlier, the company only offered cash backs, no cost EMIs and other exchange offers. Apple is also offering a 10 per cent cashback on HDFC Bank cards, starting from April 5.
Apple is looking to offer the iPhone XR at the price of the iPhone 8, which was launched in 2017. In 2018, the iPhone XR was launched, which was 20 per cent more expensive due to rupee depreciation against the US dollar and an increase in import duties.
The iPhone revenue declined by 15 per cent in 2018 in comparison to 2017. Apple has also reduced the production plan of its new iPhone by approximately 10 per cent for the January-March quarter.