After being down for several hours, social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter are now back online. Several users reported images not opening and delay in sending messages on these messages.
Users also reported with Twitter direct messages, including the app showing notifications for unread DMs that weren't there when users checked their inbox. Instagram users also reported hashtags not being working on the platform. A few hashstags including #instagramdown, #facebookdown and #whatsappdown trended worldwide on Twitter, which is packed with jokes and complaints about the social media disruption.
According to a Facebook spokesperson, some people and businesses experienced trouble uploading or sending images, videos and other files on our apps. The issue has now been resolved and we should be back at 100 per cent for everyone.
Instagram tweeted ‘We're back! We're sorry for any inconvenience.’
Twitter from its official support page tweeted, ‘the issues are almost 100 per cent resolved and the overall DMs should be working properly now. We appreciate your patience!’
According to Facebook, the issue would have occurred in one of routine maintenance operations that made it difficult for some people to upload or send photos and videos. What caused Twitter meltdown, is still not known.
Earlier in March, Facebook was down affecting users globally for almost 24 hours. The company later claimed that a change it made to its system must have hit Facebook. The disruption also affected its other services including Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.