With so many instant messaging apps, we often feel overwhelmed by the number of ways we can connect with each other. While WhatsApp is one of most popular instant messaging app, Google has been reported testing instant messaging capabilities to its Maps app, with some users discovering a new 'Messages' tab in the app.
Unlike WhatsApp the new Messages feature will allow you to connect with businesses, which could prove rather useful.
If you've frequently searched for opening times or been unable to call businesses directly to get information, this new feature could be a big improvement to the navigation app.
According to screenshots shared by a Reddit user sanju2cool, you should be able to contact a company by heading to its Google page and clicking 'Message'.
And since it will now allow you to contact friends so you need not worry about being bombarded with messages when you're trying to navigate somewhere.
There's no official word from Google as to when this new feature will be rolled out publicly.
Last year, in December, Google rolled out “For You” tab in Google Maps in over 40 countries on iOS and over 130 new countries on Android. The “For You” tab is designed to be a constant source of inspiration tailored to your tastes and preferences.
Simply follow neighbourhoods or places you’re interested in to get updates and recommendations—everything from recent news about an opening or pop up, a new menu item, and even restaurant suggestions based on what you’re likely to enjoy. If you’re making a trip this holiday season, the For You tab can help you get a jump start on travel planning even before you take off.
“Whether you’re staying local or traveling to a new city, let the For You tab be your guide for your next culinary adventure,” the company said.