This Valentine’s Day, WhatsApp is giving its users a way to find out whether their ‘Plus One’ is also their WhatsApp Number One, i.e., whether they talk to their partner more than anyone else on the platform. WhatsApp also says that users may find that they have received more messages than they’ve sent.
This process will let you find how many messages you have exchanged with your partner over the course of your relationship, is the person you message the most actually your best friend and not your partner, or your mother? To find out, first open ‘WhatsApp’, go to ‘Settings’ menu, select ‘Data and Storage Usage’, select ‘Storage Usage’ and you will be able to see the full list of WhatsApp contacts and groups. The list will be according to the person you have sent the most messages to, ranked by phone storage, at the top of the list.
Tap on someone’s name to see how many messages you have exchanged between you two since you started contacting each other on WhatsApp. You can also see how many photos, GIFs, videos, voice messages, documents and stickers you have exchanged between you since the start of the relationship.
It’s also easy to find out how prolific a user is at messaging on WhatsApp. To find out, open ‘WhatsApp’, go to ‘Settings’, select ‘Data and Storage Usage’, select ‘Network Usage’ and you will be able to see exactly how many messages you have sent and received since you started using WhatsApp. The fun exercise comes a few days after the company defended its end-to-end encryption on the platform and announced that the company has reached 2 billion users milestone.
‘We are excited to share that, as of today, WhatsApp supports more than two billion users around the world. Private conversations that once were only possible face-to-face can now take place across great distances through instant chats and video calling. There are so many significant and special moments that take place over WhatsApp and we are humbled and honoured to reach this milestone,’ the company said in a statement.
WhatsApp said that protecting the conversations of its users is more important than ever. For those who don’t know, WhatsApp is secured with end-to-end encryption by default. In other words, strong encryption is similar to an unbreakable digital lock that keeps the information shared over WhatsApp secure, and protects users from being attacked by hackers and criminals.
WhatsApp says that the messages shared over the platform are only kept on users’ phones, and no one in between can read those messages or listen to the calls, not even the company. ‘Strong encryption is a necessity in modern life. We will not compromise on security because that would make people less safe. For even more protection, we work with top security experts, employ industry leading technology to stop misuse as well as provide controls and ways to report issues — without sacrificing privacy,’ it said.