Realme is anticipated to introduce a new and reasonably priced smartphone in India soon. Although the Chinese manufacturer has not yet released information, the upcoming phone—which may go by the name 'Realme C65'—will likely cost less than Rs 10,000. Realme's Vietnam firm announced the launch of the C65 on April 4 in its market. The teaser image revealed the model in Galaxy Black and Violet colour options, with a sparkling design. According to market reports, the Realme C65 will go on sale in the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Indonesia in addition to Vietnam. There's no official word on whether the soon-to-be-released Realme C65 and the affordable smartphone for India are the same. However, the Realme C65's specifications have surfaced on the internet ahead of its upcoming launch. So, without further ado, let's take a look.
Vice President of Realme Chase Xu unveiled a teaser photo for the new C65. The smartphone was seen in the picture with a rectangular camera module on the back and a blue colour option. The module has two camera sensors and an LED flash. The smartphone is seen with a rectangular chassis that is likely made of polycarbonate. The volume rocker and power button are positioned on the right side of the handset for convenience.
Caught a glimpse of the radiant realme C65 just outside our office and it's too captivating not to share!
— Chase (@ChaseXu_) March 28, 2024
The Realme C65 appears to take design cues from the most recent Samsung Galaxy smartphones, indicating a new aesthetic for Realme's C-series portfolio. There has been no official confirmation, however, reports hint that the Realme C65 may offer a 4G LTE connectivity.
An FCC listing suggests that the upcoming Realme smartphone will likely run on Realme UI 5.0, which is based on the Android 14 operating system. In terms of the battery, the Realme C65 may boast a capacity of approximately 4,880mAh, possibly rounded up to 5,000mAh. A TUV listing indicates that the handset by the Chinese automaker could include 45W SuperVooC charging technology for faster charging capability. Customers can anticipate the model to have an 8MP front camera for selfies and video chats in addition to a main camera with 50MP. It is important to keep in mind that the above-mentioned information is primarily speculation. The exact specifications regarding the smartphone are likely to be revealed soon.