OnePlus recently unveiled the OnePlus 7T in India, and a few days after the launch, the company has rolled out an India-centric Oxygen OS update. The update includes features like Smart SMS, Cricket Scores, and an Improved Gallery. OnePlus says that it has spent the last two years in India ‘meeting users and learning how to serve them best.’ The Chinese tech giant claims that it has been designing this ‘first batch of India-centric features’ over the past 11 months. So, let’s take a look.
Smart SMS
The first one is Smart SMS that will automatically categorise messages from the influx of texts, like OTPs, transactional, promotional, and spam. The feature will also enable users to perform quick actions, such as copying OTP codes or calling delivery boys. OnePlus says that this feature has up to 39 types of messages categorisation, including tickets, bills, and bank messages.
OnePlus Cricket Scores
Cricket has a sort of religious following in India. So, for Cricket fans, the OxygenOS also brings Cricket Scores. Users can now keep track of all major tournaments and matches with real-time updates. The feed can be customised based on your favourite teams, and all information can be accessed from the OnePlus Shelf. With OnePlus Cricket Scores, users will be able to view complete scorecards for both past and upcoming matches.
OnePlus Roaming
OnePlus is also bringing a SIM-free global mobile data service. With this feature on their phones, users can now travel wherever they want without needing to purchase a specific SIM card, data bandwidth and international roaming. OnePlus Roaming can be accessed without an internet connection.
Work-Life Balance
OnePlus has been working a lot to deliver features to help users to spend some time away from the phones. Work-Life Balance has been introduced to sort notifications so that users can spend more personal time or with friends and family. ‘Assign your apps to Work mode or Life mode and automate them with location, Wi-Fi networks, and schedule. Never be bothered by notifications when at work or enjoying life,’ the company said. One such feature is Zen Mode that locks out the user from all phone-related activity for 20 minutes straight. The mode cannot be reversed even if you restart your phone.
Improved Gallery
OnePlus is also bringing an improved gallery in which images are automatically sorted into smart albums based on recognised faces, their timestamp, locations or people. The company claims that all this is done locally without an internet connection, ‘with your privacy intact.’ It is also offering 5GB of free storage and an additional 50GB for free for the first year to back-up photos or videos. However, OnePlus will reveal information on how to claim 50GB of storage space later.