Extending its X9000F series, Sony India has launched BRAVIA KD-85X9000F and KD-65X9000F models in India. X9000F series is now available in three screen sizes -- KD-85X9000F 215 cm (85-inch), KD-65X9000F 164 cm (65-inch) and KD-55X9000F 139 cm (55-inch).
The newly launched models KD-85X9000F and KD-65X9000F are priced at Rs 1,299,900 and Rs 339,900, respectively and are available across all Sony Centre and electronic stores across India.
Earlier this month, Sony launched the X9000F series that apart from the 4K HDR picture quality, is equipped with the X1 Extreme Chip, which according to Sony, creates a more lifelike picture with improved depth, vibrant colours and contrast. For a better audio-visual experience, the TV also supports Dolby Vision.
To enhance both HDR and non-HDR content by increasing or decreasing the backlight for each zone on the screen, the new series comes with X-tended Dynamic Range Pro. According to Sony, this improves the XDR contrast by 6 times when compared to a conventional LED TV. If you thought all tech geek talk stops here, then you're sadly mistaken as the KD-55X9000F also comes with 4K X-Reality Pro, which produces details with Sony’s algorithm of reality creation database for any content, such as TV broadcasting, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, Internet video and digital photos.
As the X9000F is a smart TV, it runs on the Android TV version 7.0 with Sony's exclusive user interface. It features in-built Chromecast, which lets you easily send content from the smartphone or tablet to the TV. It also has access to Google Play. Furthermore, this new series comes with dedicated direct access buttons for Netflix and Google Play Store.
Sony has confirmed a future update (scheduled to be available soon) to make the TV Smart Home Ready and to connect and communicate with other smart devices via Artificial Intelligence enabling customers to adopt a smarter home ecosystem.