In the past few days, WhatsApp has added a lot of features to make the app easier to use while protecting user privacy. Many features have been rolled out in recent days, ranging from allowing users to book bus tickets via the app to expand the reach of the Meta AI chatbot to a larger user base. Additionally, the instant messaging app just added a feature that will streamline the process of organising your messages. The 'Chat Filters' feature, which shows recent online contacts, will enable users to quickly start conversations with people they've recently connected with. By highlighting contacts who are online or have recently been online, this new feature aims to improve user communication. Let's now take a closer look at how this new feature works.
Several applications employ filters to provide important information faster. Meta has been improving the app's features over time to enhance user experience and security. Here, WhatsApp has included chat filters to make it easier for you to find the relevant chats quickly. Imagine having a way to organise your chats much like how Gmail manages your emails.
As per WABetaInfo, the most recent update is anticipated to provide users with an expedited means of reaching out to friends, family, and coworkers who are available to chat at that moment. WhatsApp stated in a press release, "As people increasingly do more on WhatsApp, it’s more important than ever before to be able to get to your messages fast. That’s why today we’re launching new Chat Filters so you can do that without having to scroll through your full inbox."
On April 16, WhatsApp announced that it is introducing new chat filters that would make it easier for users to locate crucial messages quickly and eliminate the need to browse through their whole inbox. The top of the chat list will display three filters that users can choose from: "All," "Unread," and "Groups."
Users will see all their messages in their inbox when using the "All" filter as the default view. Messages that have not yet been opened or that the user marked as unread are displayed under the "Unread" filter. The messaging app owned by Meta claims that one of the most requested additions was the "Groups" filter, which organises all of the group chats into a single spot and makes it simpler for users to navigate through all of their group communications. It will also display subsets of communities.
The feature is already being rolled out to users and will be available to more in the coming weeks. WhatsApp says filters would "make it easier for people to stay organised and find their most important conversations and help navigate through messages more efficiently."
WhatsApp's Meta AI assistant is another feature that's getting a lot of attention due to its ability to answer queries, generate photos, and perform other tasks. The feature was unveiled at Meta Connect 2023 last year. At that time, the company had announced that it would be integrating the AI chatbot into WhatsApp. Although a few US gained access to the feature in November 2023, Indian users were not able to use the AI chatbot. However, the AI assistant is now available for several Indian users.