Lenovo has launched the Tab K11 in India, with a sole colour option: Luna Grey. The tablet costs Rs 17,990 for 4GB RAM + 128GB and Rs 19,990 for 8GB RAM + 128GB. It has an Octa-core MediaTek Helio G88 processor and a 7040mAh battery that can play videos for up to 10 hours. The Lenovo gadget is thin (7.15mm) and lightweight. It comes with an IP52 rating for dust and splash resistance. If you're looking to buy or upgrade to a new tablet, check out what this brand-new Lenovo device has to offer.
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The Tab K11 sports a 10.95-inch LCD (1,200 X 1,920 pixels) with TUV Rheinland low blue light certification. It supports a refresh rate of 90Hz. The device is equipped with a 13-megapixel rear camera and an 8-megapixel selfie sensor on the front. It is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio G88 SoC and offers up to 8GB of RAM. In addition, the gadget includes 128GB of internal storage that can be expanded via a microSD card. The Lenovo Tab K11 boasts a 7,040mAh battery that supports 15W rapid charging. On a single charge, it provides 10 hours of uninterrupted video playback.
The new tablet works well with the Lenovo Tab Pen Plus and has several pre-installed software capabilities, such as Lenovo Freestyle, which allows you to connect the tablet to another Lenovo laptop or PC with ease. It also supports Commercial Software Development Kit (CSDK), Commercial Customization System (CCS), and Android zero-touch enrollment. For connectivity, the device has USB Type-C, Bluetooth 5.1, a 3.5mm audio jack, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
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The Tab K11 has four Dolby Atmos spatial audio-enhanced speakers. The current version is based on Android 13, however, Lenovo intends to release security patches and Android 14 and 15 OS upgrades until January 2028.