Almost a week after extending the group privacy feature to more Android and iOS users, the Facebook-owned instant messaging app, WhatsApp, today introduced fingerprint lock for Android users.
Earlier this year, the company rolled out Touch ID and Face ID for iPhone to offer users an extra layer of security. Now, you can unlock the app with your fingerprint, on supported Android phones. To enable it, tap Settings > Account > Privacy > Fingerprint lock. Then turn on unlock with fingerprint, and confirm your fingerprint.
The instant messaging app has been continuously developing several India-centric features, and Group Privacy is one of them. WhatsApp has rolled out beta versions of the group privacy feature to Android (2.19.298) and iOS ( users allowing them to test it before a stable version is rolled out. The feature is designed to help users select who can add them to groups, as according to a survey it has been revealed that many users that are added in various groups don’t want to be a part of.
If you have registered yourself as a beta tester, you can manage the Group Privacy settings by heading to the WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy > Groups. The feature lets you choose from three options:
Everyone: Anyone can add you in a group and no invites will be received privately.
My Contacts: A user can be added in groups from his/her contacts. In this case, the user will receive an invite to join a group from people not in his/her contacts list, privately.
My contacts except: This option, called Blacklist, will let a user precisely decide who cannot add him/her in a group.